pods on your clam


Active member
Anyone ever picked up their clam to inspect for parasitic snails and find pods crawling all over their clam? I have this happening to my crocea and it seems that there is some mantle pinching involved at night only. During the day (lights on) or after Im done inspecting him and put him back on the sand bed he extends nicely. But for the last couple days after lights out looks like mantle pinching. All I can see are pods running on the outside of the shell. Hoping someone like Minh Nguyen could shed some light. Or others with mantle pinching experience.
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I have 3 clams that have been pinching their mantles since July. FW dips would only temporarily alleviate the problem. I am waiting for some $$ to set up a quarantine for them to get rid of the pinching once and for all. My tank has a pretty heavy population of pods as I see them all over the rocks at night. I have never seen more than a couple on my clams including the ones with pinched mantles. My crocea clam that pinches looks pretty good during the day with hardly any pinching noticed but you can really see it at night. My derasa and maxima pinch mostly during the day with little to no pinching visible at night.

Good luck
well tonight again with the pinching but this time no pods on the clam...Im wondering if they go inside him and are causing some irritations. I will do a dip tomorrow and hope it gets better.
a FW dip for a clam get the temp and ph up to tank parameters....use ro di water...put the clam in the FW dip and leave him there for 20 minutes...then put him back home. Since the dip no more pinching.
I always dipped mine for 30 minutes as suggested by the original thread. It never worked for me though because I think the "disease" stays in my tank somewhere while I'm dipping the clams. Have to wait to get a quarantine setup.