Pohl's Amino Acids and Cyano

fraggin corals

New member
I have been dosing Pohls AA for my SPS and recently overdosed (loss count and end up adding almost twice amount recommended). A few days later a have a large outbreak of cyano. The tank was doing great prior and now cyano over the rocks and one some new frags. Just for information the tank has been running for about 18 months. Did anybody ever see this happen? I have since stopped feeding the corals and done a water change to siphon off loose material. Any other suggestions to help get rid of this stuff?
I had cyano starting to take over-did a 72 hour blackout. It is gone and never returned. Make sure you skim hard during the blackout.
I have since dropped using the Pohls. Haven't done the no light yet as I am hoping it cycles out on its own with higher flow and lower nutrients being added. I have also added additional clean up crew.
Are you sure it's not Dino's? I had a huge outbreak of Dino's when overdosing this and Acropower. My corals are just now starting to look good again a month later.