Police raid house suspected of meth... find Saltwater fish tank...

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Closed now to prevent a flame war I guess.
It is something to we wary of though. Back when I worked in a LFS in the 90s we had 2 seperate customers we knew of "busted" for running MH lights. In both cases guns were drawn and the ONLY evidence seemed to be high electricity bills and credit card records for the lights.

I run a 175W MH all year to keep a couple of heirloom tomato cuttings going. Apparently this makes me suspicious to some.
most people get mistaken as pot grow rooms because they're lighting penetrates windows. this is the case with myself and i just may have figured out why the po po payed me a visit a few months ago. i was chicken and pretended not to live there when i saw them but they hung around for a while. I wonder how that would sound to a judge issuing the warrant. I.E. presesnce of bright lights (suspected grow lights)
When I first started setting up my reef tank, my roommate was teasing me that it was a cover for a meth lab...I'll have to send that article to him. LOL
I think if the police busted in and cuffed me and had a search warrant and said that, i would laugh the whole time in their face.
Yeah, nothing like citizen spies. I wonder if the person who turned them in was a member of TIPS, or whatever they're calling it now.
God our law enforcement system is going down the tubes....

Whatever happened to "Probable Cause"... last time I checked buying MH lights and having light come through your windows is not Probable Cause for a search warrant.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12594725#post12594725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AngeloM3
God our law enforcement system is going down the tubes....

Whatever happened to "Probable Cause"... last time I checked buying MH lights and having light come through your windows is not Probable Cause for a search warrant.

The problem here is not the LEO's, but the idiot judge that signed that warrant. Cops can't go and fill out their own warrants.

I'd find out the judge's name and make sure he doesn't get re-elected. Very few people vote in local elections, getting your friends, coworkers, neighbors, and relatives to vote against someone can be the difference between them winning or losing.
But it has to be a cop that presents the evidence to the DA - a judge has to take someone's advice and go on some evidence, they don't just issue random warrants.

that being said, I'm surprised they didn't use some of the new provisions of the patriot act for a sealed search or use one of the technologies I got to work on: CALEA
SAD enough this is america "land of the free" "bringer of peace" HAH! all we have done is destroyed this world more and more bye creating other problems halfway across the country. how much suffering does it take for the world to know true peace?
one other thing, any officer has the right to own you. me and you goverment property wether we like it or not.
didnt a bill just pass that any fbi agent can tap any phone off of any probobal cause?(ie. cheating with his wife)
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