Police raid house suspected of meth... find Saltwater fish tank...

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1) The coffee packs in MREs (Meals-Ready-to-Eat; i.e. military rations) have triple the normal caffeine in them.

2) It is not illegal to wrongly report a possible child abuse case... at least in Texas. I'm a teacher and if I hear anything that could be considered child abuse, I am required by law to report it to CPS or I will lose my license and my job. That being said, I've only done so once. I reported it, they said thank you and I never heard anything about it.

I think same thing applies to any public servant.

3) If there is a signed warrant (again in Texas), they could destroy your house and there's not a dang thing you can do or say about it. I really don't know how you would sue anyone or any entity for the totally flimsy evidence.

What is more disturbing than anything else is that the electric company is reporting usage to the government.

I agree totally that our government has lost its collective mind. There's nothing wrong with America... just our government.
One other thing............Meth was invented by the Nazi's to keep pilots awake during those long nights of Blitzrieg!
No, nothing happened to the lady who wrongly reported me. I even knew who it was and she still kept her job. She finally got herself fired from that gym for other reasons, but they were related to her mental instability.

The only comfort I found from the whole experience was knowing that some children ARE removed from dangerous situations when the net is cast this widely. I guess I'd rather have to go through what we went through than have a child suffer because I wanted by privacy. Still, it is shocking whenever it's shown how false that sense of privacy is.
wow, I can't wait for the same thing to happen to me in Fargo...lol.

CassiusClay, I feel for ya man, I have had issues with police in the past where they are wrongfully searching stuff and trying to play like they are important. (I grew up in Thief River Falls, MN where the cops only like to pick on the young people) I don't believe you have much to go on with a suit for them searching your place since there was a warrant. See if they destroyed anything. If not, there is a good possibility for monetary damages for "intentional infliction of emotional distress".

So what size tank are you upgrading to? :)
Not long after I'd moved back home to the farm the county sheriff told me he had been sent to my house (far off the road) on a report of grow lights seen through the windows. He said I wasn't home at the time and he looked in the window and saw my room full of tomato seedlings under lights. He didn't apologize, but did suggest I be cautious about my neighbors!

I've been waiting for some similar response since I've installed halides over my tank that sits next to the front window.

I also had a helicopter land in my hayfield while I was cutting hay. Landed right in front of me and a SWAT team jumped out. I looked down the hill and there were two state police cars coming up through the field. I thought it was the hay cops!

Turns out they had spotted a marijuana patch on the place next to mine and my back field was the closest access. They informed me they were going to cut my fence to get to the neighboring field. I showed them that there was a gate right there and they agreed to use it.

When they left they left the gate standing open, with livestock right there! Luckily, I didn't trust them and checked the gate. When I called to complain I was told the officers saw me "combining" in the field but saw no livestock and saw no reason to bother shutting the gate, since they were on official duty.

I berrated them about not knowing the difference between a hay bailer and a combine and told them if they didn't know any more about farms than that they ought to ask the farmer to make sure they weren't screwing up something.

I'm just glad those state boys weren't the ones who came to look in my window. I'm sure they wouldn't have known what tomato plants look like and I'd have been arrested until they could have run my seedlings through a lab for testing.

Did you ever notice that stupid people never know they're stupid? And the more stupid they are, the more authoritative they think they are. Plato was right: wisdom is being aware of your own ignorance.
wrongfully repoting and doing so knowingly to be a bi*** are two different things.

im thinking of having a cop come to my house and file a report on my self so they SEE nothing is going on here. so if some onedoes call on me.. they sHOULD already know what it is...
sigh but i have the worst police dept ever...:( i doub they would even check anything
It is not legal for cops to come on to your property to gain access to the property next to you. They have to have permission or a warrant to come onto your farm. I would have told them to kick rocks. That is a constitutional violation.

Lights glowing in your window is also not probable cause. Americans need to quit putting up with the government violating their rights. Just because someone says something shouldn't be enough for a warrant. Maybe they just don't like the person & want to cause problems. There should be physical evidence before a warrant is issued.
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