Yes, He will get his tank, and he knows it
Yes, He will get his tank, and he knows it
I told him I was going to post a poll to see if everyone thought he should have "another" dream tank. When we bought the house about 3 days ago, not moving in officially till early summer, I knew since his tank room backed up to the garage that he/we would have a nice built-in tank. He is saying 220 or 250, hhhmmm I say it may as well be in the 300 range because it has to last the rest of the 8 years, that's when he retires from his Pilot job in the Navy. We have a huge house now and no kids (hey, smart) so we have lots of rooms to make really nice.
Yes, he is a good husband, and yes, I do get him some good things for his aquarium. Case in point, he had to go do some humanitarian work this summer in Lousiana, flying, rescue, supply delivery, so he came home to his dream Deltec skimmer as a "thanks for what you do".
So I do take care of him and his addiction!!. I just like to give him a hard time. He works hard and his tank is very beautiful and he has done a tremendous amount of learning during the last 5+ years I have watched his aquarium go from a 28 hex with two fish (one ate the other one in a week) and lots of fake rock supplies to a gorgeous 110 flat back hex reef tank with way too much to list.
And the good part is that I am the farthest thing from a shopper and he knows it, so I do get rewarded with some nice gifts too. I told him I would be the document thread maker of his project, the good the bad and the ugly!! He agreed, so you can all look forward to a great, hopefully entertaining and in the end a beautiful tank thread built into his tank room wall. I will have to post a pic of what it looks like now, the lady had it as a dining room from the 50's or 60's not sure cause we were not born yet.
Ideas are welcome, I have been reading up on those who do the built in tanks and have some good ideas. He is just now in the begging/planning/wishing phase, and occasionally accidentally drops plans on my side of the bed. So I say a good 400 tank ought to blow him away, that's about 90 wide, 24 high (cleaning purpose) and hhhmm about 48 deep?? I went to law school, attorney's don't do math. So any caveats would be welcome. Dont want to have to do this again, or replace a wall, or floor, etc. We are looking at Ocean Image Aquariums, any thoughts??
Thanks for voting everyone, it was fun and a good ribbing for the hubby. We will start the construction thread as soon as the plans are approved by me. ha ha.