Polyp extension question


Premium Member
I've heard that SPS are supposed to extend their polyps at night... however mine are closed up completely at night (all kinds). During the day I get decent PE, but nothing to write home about.

Am I going to have to post the details on my setup?
Most of my sps extend their polyps both day and nite ..... perhaps it would help if you try feeding them at nite and switching off all the lights ... you will actually see them extending their polyps.
40g Display with 20g in the sump.

Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 80-81
Nitrate: 0-5 (need to replace my fuge light soon I thinks)
Phosphate: 0-.01
Calcium: 420-430ish
Alkalinity: 3.5 meq/L (forgot what it was.. it was the "matched" number for my calcium level though).

1 Maxijet 1200 = 295 GPH
1 Seio 820 = 820 GPH
1 Mag 7 return = 500ish GPH coming from 3 Loc-line exits

2x175w MH running XM 20K's. I run these for 7 hours a day as they are a 20K bulb.
1x40w actinic. I run this for 9 hours a day.

What else did I miss?

Should I try feeding them at night with frozen cyclopeeze?
try DT's oyster egg ..... so far that has given me the best results

And I dunno you might want to look at your salinity ... IMO salinity at 1.022 to 1024 (using a refractor meter) is better