I have one in my 100g AGA...real cool character, but is rarely visible. In over a year, I have seen the critter about half a dozen times...but it is a thrill when I do get a glimpse, almost like having a new purchase show up for free....
I am getting one of these guys in soon, so I will post pics then.
As for hardiness and care, this is what I know. They are scavengers and use the anemones on their claws to sweep the bottom and pick up food. The anemones on their claws are taken off of anemones and as the anemones get bigger, the crab will take pieces off to keep the size of the anemone down. The crabs are fairly reef safe, they may brush against an coral with their claws or bop an fish or crab with them, but the anemones are so small they can't cause any real damage. They are also very shy, and in larger systems, most people almost never see them.
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