Pooky's 300

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15580836#post15580836 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bullitr
what i had now is gone but i will try to make it work my " dream to come true"
what i had before is gone, but i will still try to make the " dream come true"
beside my current skimmer is rated @ 1200 gallon all i need is bigger calcium reactor and a new tank from charlie from fishtankfactory
Started ozone today, but only at a measly 20 mg. Didn't want to overdo it up front. Let's see what happens with the Acros in the next few weeks as I slowly ramp up the ozone level.
That's why I am starting so low. Don't want to clear up the water in a heartbeat and burn the corals in the process. That would be counterproductive :D
Good call! It shouldn't be that sensitive but a little bit of ozone goes a long way. I turned mine off to dose vodka, i kinda want to turn it back on.
I've never used it before but at this stage, I am willing to try almost anything to see if it will stop the Acros deaths. I was lucky enough to have a buddy who loaned this unit to me. I guess time will tell, although I don't know how much time I really have.
After seeing crystal clear water, I never want to see another green/yellow tank as long as I live. That's the side effect, just so you know.
Keep the updates flowing. I'm interested on how your ozone experiment works out.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15598995#post15598995 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aquariumclown
After seeing crystal clear water, I never want to see another green/yellow tank as long as I live. That's the side effect, just so you know.

I run carbon religiously so I've usually had pretty clear water. It's only when I get lazy and forget to change out the carbon that I noticed the decline in water clarity. I guess I'll find out when the lights come on tonight :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15599005#post15599005 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Keep the updates flowing. I'm interested on how your ozone experiment works out.

Keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully it'll show some positive results.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15599058#post15599058 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
I run carbon religiously so I've usually had pretty clear water. It's only when I get lazy and forget to change out the carbon that I noticed the decline in water clarity. I guess I'll find out when the lights come on tonight :)

I may have missed it, but can you tell me how you run carbon in your tank? What kind of reactor?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15601534#post15601534 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lightsluvr
I may have missed it, but can you tell me how you run carbon in your tank? What kind of reactor?


I used to do them two different ways - AquaC XP reactors and bags in the sump. I have since removed the AquaC. Now I only have 2 large bag sitting in the compartment just before the sump return. They are elevated using eggcrate and water basically flows through them. I also have a little bit of carbon in the Warner Marine GFO reactor but that's mostly to clean up anything that may leach out of the GFO.
Yes standard measuring cups.

That seems like a lot. Right now I run about a cup to a cup and half in my 150gal, and that seems to be perfect. I have had incident where I put an additional cup or 2 of carbon in the sump in a bag like your doing, and it stripped the water clean, but it burnt my acros within a day or 2. I'm not sure it's cause of water clarity or stripping water of some kind of buffer, I tend to think the ladder. Long shot, but have you tried running less carbon, and could that be part of the cause of your sps probs?
Hmm........good point. I'll cut the usage in half and see if there is a difference. I've always used a lot of carbon tho, even back when I had only the 30. I think I used more than you on the 30 gallon tank :D Never had this problem until this year but it sure is worth a try nevertheless.
You do need carbon when running ozone, maybe try cutting 1/3 the amount of carbon your using, then cut a little more depending on results. Are you monitoring your orp?
Yeah, I had to jerryrig a filter sock with carbon in it to hang on the effluent for the skimmer. I don't have a separate ORP monitor but the ozone unit comes with a probe. I just hope it's not too far outta whack. Right now, it's showing ~310 and I have the unit to shut off at 350 just to be safe.