possible to anchor macros?


not a bot
I have had several colonies of botrycladia in my tank for a few years. Most of it is original stuff, anchored just like when it arrived. It's pretty, and has never been a nuisance, and some fellow reefers would like some. Is there any way to get a cutting to anchor?

I get occasional new colonies from spores, but they usually anchor in places that I can't give away (like the walls of my fuge).

Here's what I'm talking about

wedging it between two rocks it will take root and attach to the rockwork as it grows. IME it's not an exceptional grower in most systems.

The plants I have alternate between growing profusely and not at all. I have yet to figure out what changes things.
Thanks. I'll give it a try. The plants I have alternate between growing profusely and not at all. I have yet to figure out what changes things.

Maybe I should change this post a little bit, and post it a third time. Definitely time for dinner.