Post Insane Ric Pics!!

These are pictures of the most amazing mushrooms I have ever seen. I've been gone way too long. I can't wait to start putting mushrooms and zoos in my tank.
Please continue to post these lovely pictures!!
Wow, nice collections everyone!!!

Dennis, do you have a current pics of your yellow rics? I would love to see them :)
Hey Dennis,

I believe you about the color of the rics! I was just wondering how much they have grown over the years ;)


You have an awesome collection! Hopefully my collection will become as large as yours someday!
A few more.......





here is my peach ric


here is part of my collection, i have other yumas and rics also, just in different places throughout the tank. this is the largest grouping of different kinds.

Breathtaking!!! I'll have to get some posted.

BradleyJ, it's a little off this thread, but could you post a FTS? Your rics are amazing and what I can see of the rest of the tank it looks pretty awesome.

Beautiful stuff everyone, and GREAT photo talent.
Thanks Bradley! Some great blues and yellows in there. I'm drooling over everyone's going in search of more over the net now! :)
bradlyj you have too many big of fish in your tank. the sailfin tang and naso get about 1/3 of the length of your tank.

but your corals are freaking awsome!