Post Insane Ric Pics!!

I have no idea what each of these cost. My wife picked them up from the lfs that she works at.

What Online sellers have good prices on their Ricordias?
reeftopia had a really good price. 6 ricordea for $42. But out of the 6 only 2 were worth saving, colorwise.
liveaquatia had a special going also, so I bought some off the wysiwyg page and one of the specials and neither one was worth it.
So, if you want really sharp colors, you will have to pay $$$$.
heres some of mine first rics.

Okay I got a question that I need answered. Does anyone know of any creature that eats healthy ricordia?

I got up this morning and there are no signs of my rics at all in my tank. The rocks that they were mounted to are the only thing left.

BTW Below H2O nice Place and Rics.
Have not seen anything that will eat rics.
Chances are they dismount from the rock and disappear into the rockworks. Normally its only yumas that will fall from the rocks.
Try looking for it.

Hope it helps.
I did read recently that there is a worm that DOES eat them. Someone else's kept disappearing, and, they found the culprit. Not a bristleworm, be something similar that is bad news.

I agree though with YZF, mine do detach and get blown around, but several at a time might be doubtful.
That is the most horrific looking worm. Well due to the disappearance of my rics I have been thinking about turning the tank into a BB. That would give me a chance to inspect the rock work or at least do a Fresh Water Dip. I have just never seen such a thing as Corals today gone by Morning.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6779177#post6779177 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rbrice020378
Okay I got a question that I need answered. Does anyone know of any creature that eats healthy ricordia?

I got up this morning and there are no signs of my rics at all in my tank. The rocks that they were mounted to are the only thing left.

BTW Below H2O nice Place and Rics.

I just lost a completely healthy superman rhodactis. Thursday it was there, full and open and Friday morning it was gone. Only the rock it was attached to was left. The only thing in the the tank is a lawnmower blennie and a couple of pepermint shrimps.
I've heard the shrimps will eat zoanthids, maybe???
Got any shrimp in the tank?
I have one Cleaner and he has been very active in the tank. I didn't think that a shrimp would eat my rics. He has been fighting with the clowns. He will get to close and they will nip at him to go away. My wife thinks the shrimp is OCD. Things have been moving around on the substrate in the front of the tank. And there isn't enough flow to do the moving. I'm at a loss can't figure this one out.
I have had yumas shrink down to almost nothing in a few days right after I bought them, if they were super stressed they may have just evaported
I just had the same thing happen to me. 2 dime size yumas there at night, gone in the morning. I heard bristleworms eat rics.
In all my years on RC I don't think I've ever posted in this forum... but I've been a ric fan for a long time... bored on a Friday so I thought I'd share some ric pics of my old 65... Nice rics all:)

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