Post Insane Ric Pics!!

some of my orange rics

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if i take pictures with just actinics they really glow
Its just not as good as the ones posted above:

Because of this thread, I just spent $150 on a rock of ricordia. It's in the LFS holding tank because I'm leaving for a few days for labor day weekend, and I dont want to add anything new to the tank while I'm gone. Will definitely have pics when I come back to pick it up.
Quick noob question...
these are all ric's and thus all mushrooms? Will they live/thrive under flourescent lighting?
Do they require MH's or ?
im from quebec canada, and i want to start a nano 12g just for some ric. i want to no wath is the best lighting for riccordea and yuma to make them ghrow, .
I have a stock 36w 5050 daylight 24 gal deluxe nano cube, and both of the florida and regular rics do just fine. Otherwise you can check out nano-tuners for other configurations. But remember they don't like the lighting to be too strong.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8203424#post8203424 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PRESTO2345
I have a stock 36w 5050 daylight 24 gal deluxe nano cube, and both of the florida and regular rics do just fine. Otherwise you can check out nano-tuners for other configurations. But remember they don't like the lighting to be too strong.

I disagree. In my experience my ricordia florida look much much better under metal halide then they ever did under PC. They will live and grow under PC but won't look nearly as good IMO.
Yuma like low light though.