Post your reflection images

i got inspired to take some reflection shots after seeing this thread, i dont have much nature scenery around Miami, but i do have city life, i just took these a few hours ago.



great job capturing the miami night skyline :) love the colors and silhouettes of palm trees :)
The fact that this thread inspired someone to go out and take some images is AWESOME! For me that is half of what this is all about. Inspiring people to learn new things, appreciate what is around them, protect beautiful places (what ever that may mean to you). So many great posts...hard to single any one out. Great stuff people!

Anthony, cool shot. Looks like Miami has much more bold colors than NY (at least quite a few year ago when I took this image I'm posting with this). Might have been cool for you to of merged two different exposures and had that car a little more visible.

Awesome!, and thank you! i just got into photography so im still a beginner. I hadnt took a reflection shot and when i saw this thread the thought popped in my mind.


was sorting thru some stuff deleting GB after GB and stumbled upon this forgotten image.

thanks - yeah, I did a quick masking job and blend in PS last night. It would probably be stellar in HDR (or if I took a little more time working on the blend of the two exposures). I think some of the dirt road and side brush could be brought to life more. However, with it subdued it does make that Mtn and reflection pop.
Louis, to me, every once and awhile, I see a pic that looks like a painting. That's one of them. Just the way the grasses frame the road. The trees frame the grasses. The yellow trees in the back frame the mountian. To me even without the reflection, it would be a really good pic. To have all that fall into place at one time doesn't happen too often. Add the reflection, and that's great.

You could call it "Lead Me On."
Thanks Jesse. It's funny sometimes you see these things but don't quite register them on a totally cognative level. Once you wrote that and I went back and looked it I smiled. On some level I saw that, the tunnel leading up to the mtn. Something attracted me to take the image but I didn't see all the layers like that until you pointed it out.

I was working with an artist once and we got to talking. She made me laugh and realize something. She simplly stated that so many people are walking around looking at things but just don't "see" things most of the time. She comment that I was one of the lucky one that has a knack "seeing" things. All of us here posting probably do. We're a lucky bunch!
Thanks Doug ... it did make good use of what I had at hand with an overcast day. I thought it was pretty cool. Dang, those birds are fast!
Not a traditional reflection shot in my mind... but I still like it. Either way, I have another I have to find in my Aperture library... lol


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