Powder Blue Tang



Over the years, I have tried to keep a Powder Blue Tang with no luck. I have not seen any aggression. The last one I had looked healthy and was eating. Water parameters are great.

My aquarium:

150g mixed reef
Blonde Naso Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Gem Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
White Tail Bristletooth Tang
Yellow Tank
One-Spot Foxface
Cleaner Wrasse
Lawnmower Blenny
Tailspot Blenny
Flame Angel
2 - Watanabei Angels
2 - Ocellaris Clowns

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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They are difficult fish but with all the tangs already in your tank you gonna have to start the PB bigger than existing.
Your tank is pack full, I am surprise you can put a lid on it.
I don’t think they are hard to keep, just need the space and not crowned.
They are also very disease prone (especially ich & velvet). So you want to QT all your fish, or at the very least run a UV (or some other disease management system) when housing a PBT.