Power Filter in Sump?


New member
Greetings -

I am working on sump design for my 65 AGA FOWLR, and will be able to fit a 20H in my stand. The early idea is to divide it into two equal sections, one for the skimmer and the other for heaters and return pump.

The question is: would there be benefit to hanging a bio-wheel power filter in the return section, to provide some bio and\or chemi filtration to suppliment the skimmer? Something that jumps out at me is that I don't know how high the water level has to be for a HOT filter.

All advice is welcome, thanks!

No bio-wheel, but perhaps just the carbon, if you want to run it that way. Infact, I'm thinking of going that route, I just don't know how well my carbon is getting the job done by letting the sump water "flow" through/around it.

Re: Power Filter in Sump?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6566506#post6566506 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BigJPDC
The question is: would there be benefit to hanging a bio-wheel power filter in the return section, to provide some bio and\or chemi filtration to suppliment the skimmer? Something that jumps out at me is that I don't know how high the water level has to be for a HOT filter
I run a HOT Magnum 250 for carbon only. Like posted above do not use the biowheel it's a nitrate factory. Also make sure you clean any filter sleeve or floss frequently. The magnum requires a high wate level for the return to be submerged so I just cut the head off the return and extended it with a hose.
Re: Power Filter in Sump?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6566506#post6566506 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BigJPDC
Something that jumps out at me is that I don't know how high the water level has to be for a HOT filter.


Oh yeah, some filters have adjustable intake tubes so you can vary the height of water intake. For instance I was just looking at an Aqua Clear 110, and it has a couple different pieces for the intake tube. You can use 1,2, or however many you want to change the intake level.
