Now that ive made my swap from my 55g hex to my 135 6ft tank i need to buy way more rock. A 4ft light fixture to match my 24 inch t5 fixture.. and i need more flow.
I dont have much flow going on it. the tank just jas dettious and stuff just settling on the sand bed and notjing moves except the spots i have the pointing pointing at. I have 2x 425 korelia power heads. And 2x top fin internal 40s with a eheim 350 surface skimmer.. It deff not enough flow but its all i have so i habe to strategicly place the spray bars on the internal filters and thd korelias in spots to keep it flowing.
Petco sells the higher gph korelia pumps. Im not sure how big they go up too.. but what do i need to get flow going in this tank ?
I dont want a whirlpool but i need more then what i have.. I was thinking of using the 425s pointing upward to create surface waves they seem to be enough for that if i place them in the middle but yes need new power head.
So what gph should i be shooting for ?
Corals i have are torch. Hammer. Frog spawns. 3 bubble corals. A neon green nepthea and regular green nepthea.. some acros chslices and zoas.. mushrooms too.. they seem fine in the flow i have.. but agaun the sand bed is kinda dead
I dont have much flow going on it. the tank just jas dettious and stuff just settling on the sand bed and notjing moves except the spots i have the pointing pointing at. I have 2x 425 korelia power heads. And 2x top fin internal 40s with a eheim 350 surface skimmer.. It deff not enough flow but its all i have so i habe to strategicly place the spray bars on the internal filters and thd korelias in spots to keep it flowing.
Petco sells the higher gph korelia pumps. Im not sure how big they go up too.. but what do i need to get flow going in this tank ?
I dont want a whirlpool but i need more then what i have.. I was thinking of using the 425s pointing upward to create surface waves they seem to be enough for that if i place them in the middle but yes need new power head.
So what gph should i be shooting for ?
Corals i have are torch. Hammer. Frog spawns. 3 bubble corals. A neon green nepthea and regular green nepthea.. some acros chslices and zoas.. mushrooms too.. they seem fine in the flow i have.. but agaun the sand bed is kinda dead