power outage

Wow ... Vicky .. that sounds intense!

Marty, you have me listed as one with the generator, but that was only after going a few rounds without. Battery operated pumps and bags of ice in the summer and heat pads in ziplocs with a quilt wrapped around the tank in winter got me through up to a couple days before then.
Great! That IS a great idea.

(But will it also run a 24 cubic foot upright deep freeze & 26 cubic foot Refrigerator?)

Well i just got home from work my internet came back up today power came back on last night around 8PM. when me and my wife got home fri the storm had just blown through. got to the cove where i live i couldnt get into the cove my big oak tree was covering the road, well half of it anyway and the other half is still standing. first thing i had to do was start helping clear the road buy help people that came over with chain saws . then had to start thinking of what to do about the tank lose everything or find some way to power it. no way i could buy a generator so i called around to the home depot and they had one left for rent 65 a day for a 3000 watt. i told then to hold it for me and went and picked it up. all i lost was a clam. i couldnt run the lights but ran one feed pump and the power heads the fridge and the kids a tv and dvd player to watch stuff on, and some fans for me and my wife.
i know tax time next year i will have a generator it was a life saver. even thought it was hot it was good to have a fridge to go to to get drinks and put water soaked rags in to make the cold .
I use one of those little camp generators (1200 watts and under $200) I can run two return pumps and 4 stream type pumps. Cannot stress enough how much this helps because O2 is the first thing that goes in the tank. Don't know if it could run a heater or AC but I did not have a big temp swing in the 15 hours that power was off.
At first, I thought this might work for some extra power:


...but then, my female Lyretail anthias might end up looking like Blinky here:


I wish I would have taken a picture of the extension cords and everything running all through my house. Looked like a mad scientist lab.......