Powershot G9 Opinions?


New member
Hi everyone! I'm looking at grabbing a G9 pretty soon (yay tax rebate!) and was wondering if anyone has any experience, opinions, etc.....

I like the 6x optical, large sensor, IS & RAW. Also I really like the sweet rangefinder look! I've had DSLRs in the past, and for what I use cameras for (travel, hiking, etc.) they were always too big and bulky. Now that I'm into the reef hobby, I really want something to take some nice coral macros without sacrificing the portability I have known to come and love. My current camera just doesn't cut it.

My main concern is macro shooting at this point. From what I understand it's got a 1cm focus range which is nice. How have macros worked out for you G9 owners? Any links to pics or galleries of G9 macro shots would be appreciated!
I don't own a G9 but know a few professional photographers who do. The all speak very highly of it as a more portable alternative. I had the older G7 and really liked it.
im a photographer... a lot of the smaller cameras are nice for snapshots, but if you are getting a zoom camera and spending over $400 go with a nikon d40 or cannon xti, really good digital slr, if im going to shoot digital and not spend a lot its going to be a digital slr, so much more you can do with them, most have macro settings... check b+h photo video, new and used pretty good prices
beerguy, thanks for the feedback. There are a lot of similarities between the G9 and the G7. Good to know.

kylekinder, I've owned 2 Canon DSLRs before, and I'm looking for a more portable alternative. Also, there are too many costs beyond the body itself I'm concerned about. A decent macro lens is $400-500 alone. I know the DSLRs have more features, options, and flexibility, but I am really looking for the all-in-one solution. I do appreciate the advice though!
I bought mine for use underwater and to take pictures of my tanks. Sadly, my own skill with a camera is surpassed by my enthusiasm.

Even still, I am very pleased with the results I am getting with my camera and I feel this is a great camera to learn on.

I have lots of pictures and some short videos on my website http://www.airinheresreef.com/ Pretty much everything on the site was taken with my G9.

I am very pleased with my G9. I would recommend one to anyone.
I love my G9. Though 95-99% of my shots are taken with a 40D, the G9 is great for Disney World and things like that. I don't know about tank pictures or anything else. When quality matters I use my DSLR every time...and usually when quality doesn't matter. I still enjoy the G9 though.
Thanks airinhere! Nice website, and tanks!

TitusvileSurfer, I do love the DSLR's, I guess I'm looking for the alternative that doesn't exist...DSLR quality in a compact, toned down, portable version.

Thanks for all the input!
Well, I just bought a G9 from Circuit City for $411 after a couple of nice discounts they are running right now! Now I need to wait for them to open to go pick it up, and then I have to wait again for the battery to charge. Good thing I'm somewhat patient....but I can't wait to check it out! I'll post some pics when the time comes.