First Impression: Kessil A360W / Radion XR 15w Pro

I see zero disco effect with the 3 Hydra 52s in dry testing.

Will add water next week and check...then add the kessils for final build.
Yeah T5 are cool lights for sure for me it's a little bit of a mental thing that T5 are old tech. Someone told me the blue burns off the kessil don't see how that is possible. Has anyone else witness this or experienced ?

At full blast they appear as blue as ever. At 50/50 they look exactly like you would expect. But at 75% the blue appears to be less than blue than what 75% used to be.

These are 2 year old lamps though and I never noticed it until I started playing with my 3 new hydra 52s......that's too big a coincidence so I'm 90% sure its just my eyes playing tricks on me after looking at the hydra deep blues on 1% night mode....
Just a quick thought maybe some will say I'm crazy thinking of running 3 kessils on a 525xl reefer, left right channels running whiter side and center running blue has anyone tried this ?
Thanks for the review, I think I'm going to stick with my gut instinct and go with a kessil for a small project I'm lining up on a 26 gal bow front
Thanks for the review! I've been debating if I should go with a Radion on my 38g cube and take my Kessil A360 off. I'm not a fan of the disco effect and I love my Kessil, I was just concerned with the shadowing. I'll probably just buy a second A360 instead now.