PPEs and Candy Apple red Palys for sale

The Beaut

Premium Member
These are the real deal, Matt and James have seen my tank and these palys. I fragged a few off, need to buy some other things. The PPEs will be $25 per polyp. I have 3 frags, 2 with 4 polyps and 1 with 3 polyps. The Candy apples will be $5 per polyp. I have 5 frags a few 2 polyps, 3 polyps and 4 polyps.
If you can find these for even close to these prices please me know and i will remove them.
I thought i would offer these to you local guys first before i offer them to every one. Please PM me is interested


Sorry, no meeting. Play in soft ball league tues. One 4 polyp frag of Candy Apples spoken for. One left and 2 and 3 polyp frags left.