"I can introduce a Six line Wrasse. I am also under the impression that Interceptor medication is deadly to invertebrates. I am thinking of dosing the tank with this.
Any opinions and advice will be great."
I believe in dosing meds as a first or a last resort depending upon the issue that is transpiring at that particular time. What I mean by that is this, if you had an Sps tank loaded with Red Bugs, Intercepter would be my first resort/choice for swift and immediate eradication. If I suspect that I have pods consuming my crop of zoanthids and palythoas, I'd use meds as a last resort. Why? This is where I feel education plays a major/significant role in sights such as RC. It's the reasons I'm not into names, prices, lineage and ID's, and I'm not knocking anyone whom is. My focus as a reefer is learning and sharing to prevent what you are experiencing and I'm very glad you've ask this question as it will help so many others who may experience this as well. In your situation, I would take a more proactive approach and purchase a natural predator for the pods. Keep in mind, pods are not necessarily bad as they play a vital role in every captive system. They can reproduce rapidly, again, this is what they are suppose to do. Ok I'm rambling, I'd choose to keep them at bay with a fish/predator as Peter suggests above. Before doing anything, purchase a red incandescent bulb and place it in a fixture. Turn the lights off in the room your tank is end and about 2 hours after your tank is completely dark, enter the dark room with your red incandescent lamp and closely watch and see if your pods are indeed the culprit. You could very well have a reef crab consuming them. I'm just not convinced yet that all pods are bad as opposed to specific types which may or may not consume polyps. I have seen amps attach sick, dead or dying polyps first hand, yet I have hundreds that I view at night that never go near my polyps.
Please take no offense, I was just painting a different picture to shed a different light on your situation, no pun intended. Best of luck and please share with us what you choose to do my friend.
Mucho Reef