premium aquatic open?

OK - price comparison - how much was the Sailfin? Petco (yeah I know) had them for like $40 a few months ago.

So happy to hear it's open. Looks like the kids get Wendy's for dinner tonight.
I just dropped in tonight before closing. The place looks pretty nice, bright and clean. Yes the salt water side is still in cycling, but they have some good deals on fish. i couldn't resist another Bangai Cardinal fish. acclimating it now. i bought another one a couple weeks ago at petco. so i'm trying to make a breeding pair again. I like the fish, and once you have a pair they are pretty easy to breed. but I won't know if i have a matched pair for a while. Live fish stores get juveniles to sell, about 9-10 months old. They can start breeding at 12-18 months.

They have nice sale prices on heaters and other stuff. I will have to test my old heaters this weekend and see what needs replacing before winter. i take my heaters out of the tanks in summer for safety. So now is a good time to check them before heating season begins. At least one always fails to restart.

The new owner is a nice guy and long time aquarist. He says feel free to ask if you don't see what you want. He will check with suppliers. More SW fish coming soon, and then corals over the coming weeks as the tanks cycle. Looks good to me! I am putting this store back on my friday afternoon errand loop. I like cruisin Live Fish Stores. It's right around the corner from my ATM!

Well , just about time to drop my new cardinal fish in the tank with its mate. I hope. I can never tell them apart.

Can You?
Ken as soon as I have a bit of extra space for QT I plan on trying a pair of Cardinals as well. Hearing you talk about your old pair I would really like to try them.

I didn't really look at their heaters too long. I plan on getting a couple extra soon.
Great Jon. BC's are fairly easy to breed, once you make a pair. Mouth brooders like molly's. you will like them . nice peaceful community reef fish that like to hang out front a lot.

Yeah check out the heaters. here comes winter.
Well, they offer a little purchase file card you can fill out to log your livestock purchases(feeders not included) and when you hit $100 you get $10 credit on your next purchase. That's pretty good. My new, young Bangai Cardinal fish is on my card already.

Oh, and he/she is doing pretty good too! Hangin with my other, bigger cardinal fish. So maybe i made a match. Time will tell.
I still can't tell them apart at their current age. But I'm quite sure the cardinal fish can!!
Yeah, not bad. Beats what I get at the Fish Bowl. Any idea if PJ cardinals are as easy to breed as Bangai's? I have one, I'd like a little group of them for my new 65.
I'm not sure about PJ's as to how they breed. but they had a few at the store the other night. They are nice community reef fish too. I like to fill the reef tank with a variety of smaller, friendly, community reef fish, rather than a few large agressive types. much more interesting.
Eh, that's up for debate Ken. Pros and cons to each. I love my FO only system and fact is peaceful and schooling to me = lack of independence and intelligence. Smarter animals, at least I think, are independent and mean and eat other animals. Just my opinion over all.

Don't get me wrong I like a pretty school of fish, but I also enjoy the clever little fish that can tell the difference between me and a stranger. A fish that knows when to hide and when to beg for food. Just my humble opinion.

yep, I went there last night. The place and their prices are looking good, both fish and dry goods. bought couple snails for $1.29 each can't beat that. check them out everyone "reef peace"
Was there a few hours ago. I definately missed out on some stuff. All out of Bangaii Cardinals, but hey, at that price who could turn them down?
But I got a Porcelain Crab ((which I haven't found anywhere lately)) and A Yellow Clown goby.

Great prices on livestock and drygoods. Im liking the frequent buyer program, plus the owner and his family are very nice. Im definately going back, I can't wait for the following weeks when they will be getting more saltwater stuff.
well, Jon, I like big burly fish too. Usually on a hook! but most of them are not reef friendly. Theay are great for agressive fish only tanks, which are way cool too. but given that i like reefs, and corals and the little critters that tend them , the more docile, community fish are just the ticket. they each fill a small nich in a reef environment. which make them equally interesting, i think. but it sure would be nice to have a big bruiser or two. if only they wouldn't eat the reef.

Yes RBTA, i thought about them porcelean crabs and the red ones too. I have many of those little yellow clown gobies, and green ones too. they are really nice, and durable. My blue hipo tang has one little yellow gobie for a bud in her tank. the way the gobie can just hang in space drives Dori crazy, because she has to keep swimming or sink. They dont get in trouble with other fish. they just perch on any high spot or the glass. How do they do that? On the glass like a spider?

got an extra heater tonight too. i forgot i broke one a couple months ago. so i should be ok now for winter. with at least one spare. i think?
yeah the owner there is really nice and seems to know what he is doing... we did give him a suggestion about cycling his was through a r/o filter instead of letting it stand. he said that the old owners didnt have the hookups but hes thinking about it. very nice bright and clean store.
Anyone drop by recently? I did about a week ago and they had a few Zoo and misc polyp frags. Most were just green and brown but I managed to pic up this one.

Anyone know if they have or are getting any more coral anytime soon? I haven't had the time to stop by.
well, the last couple times i dropped by we almost had enough club members there to call a meeting. tonight i bought a nice ricordia polyp. Dont' know the names much but it's sorta blue/green. when i got it home and in the tank i noticed it was a double mouth. just about to split. There were a couple green ones there yet too. dont recall if any of them were ready to split. but they will in time, given water, light and food. I think i will propagate it in time.
Ah ricordia? Hmm I need to stop by and see if any are left.. Ricordia are one of my favorites.