The bluethroat is doing great, he comes out a little bit more, but since I don't live there anymore, he still is shy since he only sees me for 15 mins a day for feeding. I've added a few corals as well, sps, lps and some leathers, the tank still looks empty! I also added two cherub angels and a yellow headed jawfish, they all are doing great. I added a huge lawnmower blenny, but for some reason, didn't acclimate well I guess, but TPP is giving me a refund on him, have to go up and get another one this month, a smaller one this time. How's your tanks doing? Get the fuge/sump set up on the 75? Hows the halide doing, still running T5s or no? Well when you have time, give me a call or test, you'll have to come by and see the new additions. Hopefully soon, I'll be setting up the 110, and moving it over to my parents, can't wait to get out of this hell hole of an apartment! Hows premium aquatics? Get a nice discount? Gotta let me know when they get in cool corals and fish!