Prestone Driveway Heat as Randy's Calcium Part 1???

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11190362#post11190362 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jennmac415
Am I correct when I read Randy's article that we should be using %20 less of this, than, say, the Dow instead of 2 1/2 cups we should use only 2 cups to make our gallon??


Yes... Only 2 cups per Gal.
I read Randy's recipe again and isn't the warning for the bromide for the MAG flake not the Dow flake?? So it is in the Magnesium portion of the recipe not the calcium I right?
The warning about bromide is for Dow Flake manufactured by the "new" process, likely after some time in 2006.
"Editors note (3/10/07): Note, the manufacturer of MAG flake has alerted us that they very strongly recommend against using this product in reef aquaria. While many reef aquarists have successfully used the product, the manufacturer does not claim to be able to provide this product at suitable quality in the future."

this is trhe warning in Randy's new updated recipe for two-part

Read my second entry on this post. The PDF document (which is a Dow release) states that the bromide issue will effect Peladow and Dowflake.

I'm uncertain if Randy's note on 3/10/07 is addressing this issue or another I'm unaware of.
I made my way to Lowe's last evening and looked at the Driveway Heat. I found three bags that were dated 02/06, so I snatched one up and ran to the register. :D

I will keep everyone posted of any issues that may occur.

Does anyone know of a inexpensive test kit to test for bromide? Are those ph/alk/bromide pool & spa test kits capable of reading 100-8500ppm? If I cannot test it myself, is there a online lab that tests at fair rates?
