Pretty much starting over

Happy to help

Happy to help

I just broke down my "other' 90 so let me know what your looking for I am sure I can be of some assistance. I have all he buckets you need and a 50G tub that is helpful for the holding process. Let me know when you are looking to do the work and I will try to be available. PS are you looking for a 90g?
Dvlhzdu, I would love a 90gal! My parents are considering it, I just need to know the price of everything. Does it have a stand? If not just let me know so if I do get it I can order one through work or something. I will get back to you in the next few days on whether I can or not. I somewhat convinced my mom by saying how pretty it would look after cleaning the liverock and then putting it in a nice 90gal, and being able to get the Yellow Tang she has always wanted. Now just for my dad.

Again not sure on the date for cleaning tank, work schedule is shaking, along with VA trip possibly, plus friends party. But I will keep you updated.
RBTA - I don't have a yellow tang, but I'd be glad to donate a purple tang if you're interested (once you have everything up and stable of course)
Yes tank, stand and canopy. The canopy needs a little Home Depo love and it could use a coat of stain but it is structurally sound. I don't know $150 takes it all if you pick it up and bring some help to move it out of the basement. It is not RR.

there is a ton of Rock as well if you are interested. It came from MadMax's tank I think he charged me $3/lb so since its used $2/lb?
Ok, I just have to wait for my parents to get home from work to talk it over with them, hopefully I'll get back to you with an answer tonight. Thanks
RBTA, if you need helping hands or a large container I can make myself available. Big Blue Bucket has not had much excitement for a while now.

~glances over at MTM~
Alright thanks! I will get back to you all real soon on what I need and when!

P.S. dvlhzdu YGPM
Well I don't have much time before I have to go but I thought I'd post a little update.

I went over and picked up the 90gal and LR. I just need to sand down and stain the stand and its good to go.. Im thinking I will be taking down the 55gal and putting everything into the 90gal on friday the 30th((next friday I think thats the date anyway)).

And what I will need probably is 2 tub containers, ((I know dvlhzdu offered to let me use one of his big ones)) And a bag or two of sand. Chris you said you had sand for me right? You sure its not a problem I mean I can pay you for it and everything.

So I still have to make sure its fine with my mom ((shes at the beach w/mysister today)) So I'll ask her when she gets home and hopefully let you all know when this is all going to happen.

Thanks again for all the offers of lending me tubs and a few extra hands and sand.

yes you can have the sand. its fine south down so it needs to be rinsed very well. i can pre rinse it for you or if you want to get it early and rinse it your self just let me know.
Chris - I'll see if I can help - I'm trying to move that day (Friday the 28th) so if so, I'll be on the road, but if things don't work out for me, then I can help you :)
Sorry I can't help that weekend, Chris. I'm going to be away on vacation. Let me know if you need buckets or anything before I leave. Good luck!
I am not sure when it will be now, a little behind and fixing up the stand and such so I'll get back to you guys when I'll plan to do it
Alright I'm planning on friday the 4th at 3:00pmish. If anyone wants to come over lend a hand or a container just let me know haha. I may need one extra tub or something I have two here and a few smaller buckets, so I'm not sure but I'll probably be ok.

Thanks for all the help and advice