Problem with 7094 Multicontroller



I have an older 7094 multicontroller that is being used to control two 6105 pumps. The controller is able to run a steady flow through both pumps, but none of the other functions appear to work anymore. I cannot set any intervals such that the interval light will come on, and the unit will not alternate wave pulses (between the top and bottom settings on either channel 1 or 2). Do you have any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this unit?
On the 7094 interval only worked if the first and last sockets were used. Make sure the pulse time is not turned all the way to off and try it without the photocell connected.
Let me know if you cant get it to work. I have one I'm not using I'll send to you for $20 plus the cost of shipping.

I am still having problems with the unit. The interval function is working, but the pulse function is not. Also, I noticed that the pump that on either channel 10 and 11 is not doing the "anti-fish" motion when the impeller is motionless. The pump on channel 8 or 9 is not having that problem. So is this possibly a unit issue? Also, I do not have the pulse function turned completely clockwise (off position), so I would think the pulse should be working.

Is the photocell connected? If so it may be bad or in a dark location, there is no pulsing in night mode. It may also be that some salt crust has shorted the photocell connection. If the pumps have the older 7240.26 drivers, these do not have fish care, fish care is a function of the driver box and not the controller.

I tried the pulse function with and without the photocell, and it seemed to make no difference. Also, I am not sure which driver is on the 6105 pump. The pump that does not have the "fish care" function is a replacement that I received from you about 3-4 months ago for a broken 6100pump that I had run for several years. The pump which has the "fish care" function I purchased new about 6 months ago. How do you establish which driver the pump is using?


6105 has fish care, but no external driver. I had assumed you might have 6100's from the same time as the 7094 was in production. I would guess that it is probably the 7094, most likely a relay has failed. The 7094 cannot be repaired. As a last check, does the 7094 work with just the one non 6105 pump, does it pulse this pump?

Thanks for the response. I do not have any working 6100 pumps any longer. It may be that the pulse function has been defective for a while since I have had the unit for at 3 years running the pulse mode and it became almost like background. At least the 7094 will operate in the interval and continous modes. I because suspicious when I noted that the pulse was inoperative on both 6105's and the fish control in operative only on the replacement 6105. Do you have any suggestions? I suppose I can keep the unit but only operate on the interval or continuous mode or replace the 7094.

On a side note, how do I ascertain why the "fish control" mode is not working on the replacement 6105? Is there a way to replace the firmware? By the way, you helped me replace my old 6100 with the 6105. Perhaps you have record of the shipment to me.


Craig Eng
The only way to check the 6105 is to try another controller. There is no way to reprogram the fish care, but I have never seen this function not work.