Problem with my DIY external beckett skimmer.


Recovering Detritophobe
Hello everone,

Apparently my skimmer has developed a problem. Water comes out of one of the air intake holes in the beckett injector, and when the water level in the riser tube rises above the injector, the injector becomes submerged and no longer brings in air. I have attached a video to help understand the problem I am having. In the beginning of the video you can see water coming out of the beckett injector. As the video progresses, you will see the water in the riser tube rise, and the bubbles will stop because the injector is submerged. At the end of the video you can even see water pouring out of the air intake to the skimmer.

I'm pretty sure I have run the water level this high in the skimmer without this problem before. Because I am skimming wet I would like the water level to be only a few inches below the top of the riser tube.
The water level in the skimmer has to be below the holes in the beckett injector. You'll need to make an extension riser for the beckett. Make it a little taller than the water level you'll run in the skimmer. Should solve your problem.
It almost looks like where the water exits the injector is partially plugged with something. Back pressure on the injector is causing water fill up the injector chamber and coming out the air valve. Have you tried cleaning the injector? Just a guess as I don't use this type of skimmer.

Is the ring at the bottom om the injector tight enough to hold the to halves of the beckett together?

It doesn't look it and if that is the case the pressure from the pump streach to o-ring a allow water to get out. All the the pro made ones I have seen trim that collar off the output of the becket then slip the trimmed pipe into the proper sized PVC to keep the beckett from doing that

The riser would increase performance but this need to be worked out first.
from the look of the video it looks like your injector is not thight enogh. Or it may not be sitting in there corectly. Also becuase the bottom of the injector is opened as the water flows up it will rise in the injector chamber. Unless its completly seals the water will always come out. Two choices make a fully inclosed beckett injector housing or make the injector chamber higher then the riser tube. See if that help you out.

first thing, this should be put in "Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment " section...

I do agree that having it higher will help with backpressure, but don't think is the problem here,

I bet the problem is the beckett housing, itself even though it looks nice, I would had kept it simplier, for few reasons

1. problem
2. easier to change, adjust height if you make skimmer taller
3. cheaper
4. easier
and on,

the piece you need is "pvc repair kit" the 1" is perfect for the beckett head, and it will cost you only around 4 bucks, all you need to do is tap it for air, 1/4", and connect it, it comes with 1" slip on on, on the bottom male, and on the top female

I would do,
1" threaded bulk head ->
1" male threaded x female slip on
1" pvc repair kit
1" connect pump line

ex. 3/4" version at homedepot
Model 53316
3/4 In. x 7 In. PVC Slide Repair Coupling
search on so you know how it looks like, and remember you need the 1" version.

have a good day,
