Problem with new bulb...


Premium Member
Greetings. I recently purchased an Aquaconnect 175 watt 14K bulb and it arrived yesterday. I am running it on a Custom Sea Life ballast that had been running an Ushio 10K. I cannot get the Aquaconnect to fire and light up. It does not even begin to light at all. The internal bulb structure all appears fine.

Any suggestions? Do I just have a bad bulb?
Hey Skip.....

How long have you had the bulb in the socket with the ballast in the "ON" position? You might try turning the ballast on and just letting it run for 4 or 5 hrs and see if that helps any. It might just be a burn in issue.

I let it sit in the socket for about an hour. The inner bulb never got the first bit of glow to it. :(


What about the ballast? How old is your ballast setup? Sometimes a capacitor has a harder time firing up a new bulb the first time.
It wasn't the ballast. Apparently, the bulb was bad. When I received a replacement, it fired the first time.

Many thanks to Premium Aquatics for their excellent customer service.