Problem with new tunze Osmolator 3155 with magnetic mounts


New member
Hi. I recently got an osmolator for my jbj 28 gal nano cube and installed it in one of the outer return pump areas of the rear filter section of the tank. The problem I have is everytime the sensor trips and the pump comes on it over-fills to the point of the high level alarm going off. Do I have faulty equipment or have I installed this incorrectly? I think it is suppose to be a bit more acurate than this, or do they not work correctly on nanos?

Thanks for any help!
Does it stop pumping when the high level is tripped? If so and if it is new it could be bubles on the sensor. which the eye mistakes for being out of the water. The new plastic will attract bubbles and a soak in warm water or mild soap will help. It will also abate over a few days if this is the cause.
Yes it does stop pumping when the high level is reached, I'll give it a warm soap wash and see if that helps. Thanks for the help Shawn.
Also the osmolator pumps for 8 seconds about after a fill is registered, if you are pumping into a small rear sump compartment this could be enough to trigger the overfill float. On nano tanks it is sometimes necessary to restrict the flow of the pump with a small valve, the ideal being the small valves used for drip irrigation. The 8 second overfill is intentional to prevent the pump from cycling on frequently but with a very small sump compartment, this may be too much.
Thanks Roger, I was wondering if it was timed or if the sensor triggered the stop signal also. So the sensor just triggers the pump to come on and has nothing to do with turning the pump off?
The sensor triggers the pump to come on and turn off but the controller has a program that the sensor must detect it is dry for about 5 seconds before the pump comes on and the pump runs about 8 seconds after the sensor detects it is full. These changes were made several years ago as the original 3155 didn't have this timing and every little disturbance caused it to come on and the slight overfill prevents the pump from cycling on so often.