problems coralife ca reactor


New member
need help with coralife ca reactor. it has been 2 days since i got this reactor. The pass 2 days I have found my reactor not siphoning water into it. It would work fine but come to checkit out in 10hours the reactor would have 1/3 of the water drained from it's chamber and not taking water in. Has anyone have the same problems.
please reply.
You should be able to open the valve all the way....the knob attached to the intake tube...this should allow the pump to suck up the water into the chamber....let it run for 20 minutes (this will release any pressure or air in the chamber) b4 tuning it down to your drip rate.
thank you for your replies

thank you for your replies

loc..thanx for the reply but instructions indicated that I dont need a pump to water intake.

spsaddict-will try your method. how was your trip?
