Problems with 6055


New member
The 6055 stop working today. I have the 6055 and 6105 control by 7095 controller (all of them are about 1 year and half old). The 6055 was making clicking noise, I though it might need a good cleaning. So I soap it in Vinegar, after that I opened the propeller housing and I pulled out the impeller, but the problem was that the shaft came out all together with the impeller. And now the shaft and the impeller is one single unit, I can't seem to pull it out from the impeller. So I just put it back in, and now I don't even have clicking noise. The impeller is not moving at all this time. I tried using different voltages (from 12 to 24V) on the power supply unit, and it still does not work. Could you please help?

Calcium fused the pieces together. As the linked thread describes is the only fix short of replacing the motor block. In general every 3-6 months this area must be cleaned, the shaft and hole in the propeller are critical. What I do in the event they are stuck is I pull up on the propeller while pushing a small rod through the hole in the propeller to hold in the shaft. In general you can reinsert a shaft one time if the hole is still tight enough to hold it.
Roger, thank you for the info. As for cleaning, I do that pretty often by soaping all my power heads in vinegar over night at least once every couple months. I am not sure why this is stilling happening. I'll follow your suggestion and give it a try in the next few minutes and I'll get back to you.

thanks again Roger!
The soak will only work if the propeller is first removed, the vinegar won't penetrate the small space between shaft and propeller very well. If you remove the propeller and soak it and the motor as separate pieces it works much better.
Hi Roger, I still couldn't remove the shaft from the propeller unit. The properller/impeller unit and the shaft as one piece was soak in the vinegar since last night, and for some reasons the shaft just not let go from the propeller/impeller unit. Should I let it soak in viegar longer? Or could you please suggest what else I could try.

thanks again!

Hi Jack,

It sounds like you have some very serious calcification. You can try soaking it in vinegar for a another day or two, but it's unlikely this will help. As Roger explained above the vinegar can't get to where it needs to, so it probably won't dissolve. You are welcome to send it in to us and we will see what we can do.
Thanks Craig. I don't know why it happened like that, but logically, it should not happen that way since the impeller was moving all the time at various speed which was controlled by 7095. I just re-assembled every thing and it still does not work, tried using different voltage from power supply unit, and nothing happen. As of now, the shaft is still firmly attached to the impeller unit. Craig/Roger, could you please let me know your address that I can send it in since that might be the my last option.

Regardless of the outcome, I do want to thank Roger and you for responding to my problems so quickly.

Hi Roger/Craig,

After trying to fix it so many times today, I am still having the same problem. Could you please let me know what address I can send it to you as Craig mentioned earlier today.

thanks again
Address is:

Tunze USA, 305 Victor St, Austin, TX 78753

The speed variation results in a longer life between cleaning but does not eliminate the chance they will lock up, basically in every pump, heat and vaccuum exists, this degasses CO2 and raises pH so the calcium present precipitates. The only prevention is cleaning and especially the shaft and drive unit hole that spins on the shaft. This will need to be done every 3-6 months, longer with pulsed use instead of off and on and longer with lower calcium, KH and pH levels.
Hi Roger,

thanks for your reply. I do see your point. As far as cleaning goes, I follow very closely with your tunze instructions because I wouldn't want to damage any of my powerheads.
Roger, I'll send it in this afternoon. Do I have to re-decribe the problems to you again or I can just send in a print-copy of this thread.


Just print the thread and note your address and phone number on the print out, that will be fine.