Problems with possible bleaching of sps frags


I have a 36g Elos MIDI that's sps dominated with some acans zoa etc. Fish load i have 2 sanjays poton clowns, helfrichi fire fish and golden accessor all eating elos pellets daily along with 2 skunk and 1 blood shrimp. My frags have been getting light almost zeovit (minus the nice pastel colors) looking over the last week. They are all new frags that have been in the system for 4 weeks. I have seen some encrusting on pretty much all of them since then. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?

Params are as follows taken last night:
Nitrate 0 by Red Sea pro
Phosphates 0 by Elos kit
Ca 400 Elos working on raising it
Ph 8.3 probe
Salinity 1.026 probe
Mg 1450 Elos
Dkh 8.23 Hanna
Temp 78-80 throughout the day. Florida is hot :).

I am running gfo and ROX gac from brs along with some filtra media from Elos that I haven't changed in 3 months.

Elos ps1000 skimmer. Rated for 100g
Radion light 12in over the water set at 60% power.
Mp10 set to reef crest mode

My profilux 3ex takes care of dosing and is currently doing 18ml of part a and b 2x a day for a total of 36ml of 2 part. I dose them 10min apart to prevent precipitation.

I replace the gac every 3 weeks and gfo every 2-3 months when phosphates climb. I do a 40g full water change with deltec water every 2 weeks but I'm going to stop doing such a large change in the future to prevent shocking the corals. Skimmer is cleans 2x a week. Not sure if I should pull the filtra media.

Anything in doing wrong here? I have stopped doing the extreme water changes and I do stir and clean the thin sand and blow out all the gunk in the rock during my water change. The filtra Elos media I don't know how often to change but don't think it is having a negative effect but I'm open to suggestions of this.

All help is appreciated. Thanks!
What I do when this has happened in the past
Dose more iron and aminos and feed the fish more shave a little off the photo period
Maye pull a little of the cleaning media out
Sounds like your on the right path. I wouldn't do more than a 20 percent water change on a tank unless it was necessary(like tank is crashing necessary). What is the other filter media that you haven't changed in three months? I wouldn't run anything in my tank that I didn't need. I would start with 10% weekly water change and monitor it for a few months and see how the tank responds. There is a line between starving your sps and getting them to grow and flourish. I would also pull out the filter media that you dont need. When certian types of media become saturated with what they are supposed to remove they can actually leach chemicals back into the water column wreaking havoc on a system. I would also pull the gfo and use it only when you need to. You don't list how much carbon your running. You could be running to much carbon which can stress corals as well. These are the things I would look at. HTH...