Profilux 2 Light Bar

GHL is different from the AI controller, you do not specify a "ramp time" you set a start time and Finish time.

So you would create a schedule like:

10am 0%
11am 100%
5pm 100%
6pm 0%

This means that the channel goes from 0-100% over the course of an hour from 10am to 11am, then at 5pm it dims down to zero over the course of the hour, so at 6pm its back to 0.
Sorry about the multiple posts, RC is being very strange today.

As far as the Tunzes go, i fyou are using a splitter and a Tunze 1 and Tunze 2 Cable you can connect them to the same L port (such as L3L4) . The Tunze 1 and 2 cable will automatically make the Tunzes operate on each L Port (Tunze1=L3 tunze2=L4)

If you have 2 x Tunze1 cables and you plug one into L1L2 and the Other into L3L4 then yes, the Tunzes will operate on L1 and L3.
Now for the million dollar question. How do I transfer my settings from my PC to the unit? Also I have a tunze 1 and tunze 2 cable. Is this going to be a problem? Do I need the splitter since I have one of each
if your unit is connected to your PC via the RS232 cable, you simply save the settings in the profilux software and it makes the changes to the unit. Simple.

If you have a Tunze1 and Tunze 2 Cable you can connect each one to the unit. Plug the Tunze1 cable into L1L2 and it will run the Tunze on L1, plug the Tunze2 Cable into L3L4 and it will run the Tunze on L4.
Need help again. Everything is loaded into the light bar but the program is not running for the lights. I can turn them on manually. The progam is showing up in the bar but all LED channels are at 0 after setting up?
Can you take a screenshot of the "Special Lamp" section of the profilux software (press Alt + Print Screen to take a program screenshot, then paste it into a graphics program and save it), and the associated Illumination Channels? I'll take a look and see if I can determine the problem.

Not doing anything with ALT+Print Screen. I have the box checked for AI light connected, Box is check for newer model and have the illumination channels set for Channel1, Channel2, and channel3.

An example of what I have programmed;

Channel 1- 11:00am 0%
2:00pm 60%
7:00pm 60%
9:30pm 0%
Have Clouds box checked, Dimmable box checked, Temp.-Dep.Light Reduction Box unchecked (Itried this checked).
Time Shift- During clouds 3s, At Ilumination Run 0:04:00
You have to as above restart the profilux as it is in coms mode for pc connection so would not be sending Ai signals.
ok two other things

cycle the lights
Need screen shot of all settings to go any further than that

Also where did the cable come from? GHL (black) ai (grey)
Other diagnosis

the serial port works otherwise you would not be able to connect to the PC with it, it uses more signal protocols than the Ai could ever manage so that eliminates the controller

so options
Wrong programming
bad cable
Ai not responding

As you can not via profilux software override the dimming due to not having the pc and ai connected at the same time, how are you testing the functionality?
How di I get a screen shot. I tried ALT + Print Screen and nothing. As for testing all I am doing is setting up the program, saving to the unit, power down the AI's, plug the AI serial connection from the Profilux, power up the AI's then power up the Profilux. I tried the opposite also, power up the profilux first then the AI's. I can go throught the program on the unit while the AI's are connected and everything is there program wise. I got the cable from progressive reefs which is the GHL cable (black). How do you want me to cycle the lights
sorry came into this thread late

How do you know the lights are not following your programming if not manually overriding the dimming on the light 2 to test it? Just trying to pick up the pieces to assit further.

After this please email me at as there is not much more support I can do via forum as I need scren shots emailed to me.

Just press print screen then in the email body right click and select paste.
so everything is working its just in the prgramming

email me screen shots of the special lamp page and illumination 1 2 and 3 please