GHL is different from the AI controller, you do not specify a "ramp time" you set a start time and Finish time.
So you would create a schedule like:
10am 0%
11am 100%
5pm 100%
6pm 0%
This means that the channel goes from 0-100% over the course of an hour from 10am to 11am, then at 5pm it dims down to zero over the course of the hour, so at 6pm its back to 0.
So you would create a schedule like:
10am 0%
11am 100%
5pm 100%
6pm 0%
This means that the channel goes from 0-100% over the course of an hour from 10am to 11am, then at 5pm it dims down to zero over the course of the hour, so at 6pm its back to 0.