Profilux Compatible Lights?


Active member
Are there any "off the shelf" LED lights that are compatible with the Profilux L1/L2 design to handle the Lightning effects? I want to add to my "effect" but 2 more units will set me back a cool $300 beans(+)

So are there any less expensive options?

If you've done it tell me how because I'd love to give it a try. If not I'll just have to wait and order the goods new . . .that'll be a lil while though. :(
Currently no. Lightning effects can only be produced by the Simu and SimuL as they have a special chip that can decode the Digital signal that is broadcast on L1-2 and L3-4.

As far as dimmable LED's for the Cloud and dimming effects there are several options like the TMC Aquaray, Aqua Illuminations etc.
Party Pooper!! LOL! Just kidding!!

That makes sense. I was thinking it could be "Fired" easier than that but when I slow down and really think it through it IS digital and therefore not simply off/on.

Time to sell something so I can buy more Simu units.

Can you sell blood? LOL!!

Thanks for the input :)