Profilux III Elite - IPhone App

NICE! :)

Glad I could help. Hope you enjoy the app as much as I do. I love being able to track what's going on while I'm gone.

Last weekend I was in Cali, and watched my ph rise rapidly. I started to think about what was going on and realized my skimmer probably went nuts (I use kalk in top off).

So, I had a buddy run over to the house that knows nothing about fish tanks and he confirmed that the skimmer was overflowing. So, I turned off the skimmer from 3000 miles away, and by the time I got home the ph had stabilized, and I fixed the skimmer issue (bought a new Elos in stead of the octo xtreme).

There are many many great benefits to this app!
When I try and control something with the Iphone App in the "At a Glance Tab" I get this error message

Error: Profilux cannot reset manual overide mode!

Any ideas?
Hmm, is it pulling the proper data like PH and Temp from the Profilux? If so, then that's a question for tech support, I have no idea...