Profilux Setup Help

Shorewood Reef

New member
I have a new Profilux 3ex for a 540 gallon tank I just set up. I have the following equipment:

Profilux 3ex
Profilux 4 pump doser
1 powerbar6D-PAB
1 optic water level sensor
1 Profilux Touch display
Temp, Redox, PH, salinity Probes
3 Tunze 6155 pumps
1 closed loop pump system
1 return pump
1 skimmer pump

My lights are Pacific Sun Hyperion LEDs- These are all progammed and independent of the Profilux system.

1. I'm having difficulty knowing what to plug in to the conventional power strip and what needs to be plugged into the Powerbar.

2. How are the pumps controlled- each has a control cable plugged into the Profilux (L1,L2 L3,L4 L5,L6) I plugged the power for each into a conventional power strip. Is this OK?

3. Should the dosing pump unit be plugged into the Powerbar, or can it just be plugged into a power strip with the control cable into S1-S4?

4. The closed loop pump will be on about 2/3 of the time. Should I plug it into the Powerbar and then use the timer function on it.

5. I'm not sure how to set up the options for the PowerBar set-up S1-S4, S5-S8, when I have the PAB cable plugged into neither one.

6. I just want basic functionality for the equipment, but the instruction manuals and different online questions / answers have me a bit confused, and I don't want to ruin something by setting it up wrong.

Is there a 1-800 number to call and walk thru the setup???

There is no 1-800 as all support is carried out on

create an account and you will find a how to guide section there, and any questions left unanswered we can get you sorted swiftly over on the support forum ;)

if you create an account tonight I will approve it first thing tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you there.
PAB Setup Issue

PAB Setup Issue

I have powered up the PAB (green light is on)and connected the PAB to the Profilux with the PAB cable(yellow light flashes occasionally), but the red lights never come on and I can't find where to assign the devices. Please assist with directions to get the Profilux to recognize the PAB. Under "Systems", the PAB doesn't show up in the diagram. What am I missing?