Programming the AI Hydra 52 HD

Deep Reef

Active member
I just installed these lights on my tank. They look great. The easy setup allows an increase to a max then a decrease to off. I can't figure out with this cloud control how to get a second level. I would like to ramp up to blue then ramp up to mostly white. Then ramp down to blue then to off. The auto setup seems to only allow one ramp to max then ramp to off.

Any suggestions
You should be able to set multiple "points" for each color via the director. For example, set a point so blues ramp up to 65%, then set another point so they ramp down to 20% while your whites are ramping up, then ramp up the blues again. All you'd need to do is add a point for the percent you want at the time you want it. I this what you're looking to do?
Yeah for some reason the WiFi app of the light doesn't allow you to add points but the one on the site does