Project External Glass Overflow

Silicone is used to hold the acrylic to the inside back glass. It might help in case the glass cracks, it should buy me some time between tank replacement. You never know when Murphy's Law will show up.
sde219 said:
Sorry for asking a question that clearly somewhere in this 20 page thread. Those of you who attached an acrylic sheet with holes cut out of it - how did you attach the sheet?

I used GE window and door silicone II 100% pure silicone caulking from Home Depot or Lowes to attach the acrylic. You can find it in black which matches the black acrylic.
I'm getting ready to do this next weekend. I've been calling around to glass shops for pricing, the glass around here must have gold in it or diamonds or something cuz the best price i have been able to find for 4 small pieces of glass is $40. I could get a 10 gal tank and just glue it on for cheaper!
impur said:
I could get a 10 gal tank and just glue it on for cheaper!

If your using a rotozip, then there is no reason why you couldn't buy a 10gal, and cut the pieces you need from it. Also glass cutters are really cheap for the kind that scores the glass and then you break it. If you want to save some money you could try that route. -indiana
Ace hardware has cheap window glass, as does lowes. They will not usually have anything larger than 1/8

I just got two 48"x3" strips of 1/4 SMOKED GREY and it cost me around $20
Maybe this has been mentioned, but its much easier to cut a rectangular piece from the top of tank, and install a acrylic piece with teeth on it, than to drill teeth into the glass. Much easier, and less hassle.

That's why people don't mass produce tanks with teeth, because it takes time to make (faster to drill holes install acrylic overflows) and because external overflow boxes take up space.
You could cut teeth quite easily ahead of time with a waterjet mill... I imagine it's much cheaper for the time being though to just glue in an acrylic overflow.

For a pre-built tank, it is much easier to do one slot and fit an acrylic set of teeth or something.


Here's a 37g Oceanic without the overflow box and teeth attached. It was done with a standard glass cutter and some sandpaper.

*Not the holes in the bottom, just the back slot*
Very nice. When you say standard glass cutter do mean the pen style with the little wheel on the end? How did you do it? Just make the three score lines and break the glass out? I didnt think that was possible. Impressive.
Tunjee: Yes that's the glass cutter I refer to... but I neglected to mention one step, you have to drill a hole at the corners... otherwise it might not break on the lines you score.

Here's a shot with teeth attached...


I LOVE this!!! i hate hang on overflows and this is just another way to do it without that ugly thing. i have a 75 that i want to do that too, it has been running for about 4 months though, so im a little scared to try it. but i am looking for more information on it and i might just try it. thanks for the help!!! it looks awesome!!
See the little L shaped acrylic bits with set screws in the first picture? There are two more of those attached to the overflow teeth.

I use those to hold the teeth on, since there will be a glass box behind it; it doesn't matter if it leaks around it a little. I'll glue the other two brackets on at some point.
This might help...


Not super elegant, but it works well, and if I need to they can be easily removed for cleaning.

As soon as I get the glass cut for the overflow box, I'll post some pictures.
Has anyone tried this with a Minibow 7 gallon? I am really sick of my overflow and it takes up a lot of room. Maybe I should use one of my 10 gallons I have around since they are much easier to replace than the bow. What do you all think? The tank I have now is filled so it does require taking everything out of it.
has anyone tried this while there tank was full with water, corals, fish, etc.? i want to do it but i am not 100% positive on how to do it and i really dont want to crack the glass and have 75gal of water, and fish all over my wood floors!!
has anyone tried this while there tank was full with water, corals, fish, etc.? i want to do it but i am not 100% positive on how to do it and i really dont want to crack the glass and have 75gal of water, and fish all over my wood floors!!
DRWS10 said:
has anyone tried this while there tank was full with water, corals, fish, etc.?

I've read somewhere that they have, but I wouldn't try it. However, I saw that you are a manager for a saltwater fish store. If worse came to worse could you not borrow, or buy another tank through them?

Also if you do plan on doing this, I would transfer your livestock to some cheap containers bought from walmart or something. That way they won't come to harm if the tank doesn't make it.

I tried this on a 29gal tank and had little pea size pieces of glass all over my garage. The glass was tempered and I didn't know it. I did end up buying a replacement panel and finishing it out to my satisfaction.