After reading through this thread I decided that I wanted to build one of these overflows for my 75 FOWLR. I wasn't brave enough to take the plunge and start dremeling my 75 so I decided to give it a try on an extra 20H I had laying around.
<img src=>
<img src=>
Since everything was successful I now need to order my glass pieces for the overflow.
This was much easier than I had expected, but very time consuming. The first tooth took a good 45-50 minutes.
By the time I was on the third tooth I was grinding each tooth out in about 10 minutes. I used the ball tip bit to trace the outline of the tooth and start the hole. I found that tracing the outline allowed the water to pool up where you need it, which allows for less time spraying water. Then I would use the other bit to route out the tooth. Just as Tunjee says, you need to constantly plunge the bit up and down. It was pretty easy to control the bits. There were several times when the bits would run off but never really scratched the glass. I did go through 2 ball tip bits but I think that was from the beginning of the learning curve when I was pressing a bit too hard and not using enough water. I now know that if you see the bit get red you are either pressing too hard or not using enough water, most likely it is due to the former. I will post more pics as the project progresses.
Thanks Tunjee for sharing this with us. This is a cheap and easy way to do an external overflow, which are the best overflows, IMO.