Project Seahorse


New member
Long-time reader here... I can't remember the last time I posted (if I ever did). Currently I move residences several times a year... not really condusive to keeping a marine tank. But I'm going to be the most well-researched newb ever!

Anyway, I promise this post is about more than just my lack of a tank! As I'm chowing down on a box of chocolates at my desk here, I started to look for the nutritional information (to see how fat I'm going to be from these). Instead I found a little blurb on how the makers of these chocolates donate a certain amount of the profits to something called Project Seahorse. So I went to the website and checked it out. (

I found it actually pretty interesting. They focus on seahorses, but the big aim is to advance marine conservation and increase awareness of the seas. As I find the prospect of a future filled with no or severely damaged reefs very depressing, I figure that other reef aquariusts (or even just fish-only marine aquarists) would also feel that way.

So in any case, I just wanted to make people aware of this project. I didn't know about it until I was chowing my way through a box of chocolate (all shaped like seashells)! I did a search of it on the forums, and the one and only post I found mentioned it briefly and was posted in 2004. I thought it would be a good time for a reminder. :)
It is a great resource and a fairly well intentioned organization. They are somewhat against keeping SH as pets, which doesnt typically sit well with most hobbyists. But, Project Seahorse doesnt want us to keep wild caughts, or to drive the demand for wild caught seahorses. There are several sources for captively bred and reared seahorses (and even several species available now!) that can replace the wild fishery and thats what we should be recommending that hobbyists buy for their aquariums if they chose to take on the challenge of seahorses. :)

It is still a very nice organization that does great work in helping to fund research into sustainable seas and conservation. Thanks for posting and reminding us!


Project Seahorse has really helped the plight of seahorses in the wild. My impression was that pressure they brought to bear really helped getting seahorses listed as CITES II animals. Sure they have not always been so keen on the fish trade - and for good reason, how many wild caught seahorses do you think survived more than a year in home aquariums in the past? We all know the numbers were very low. Now, with captive raised animals available, things are much beter. Two of the facilities that support Project Seahorse have also supported the Syngnathid Husbandry Manual:

Seahorse Husbandry Manual

This is a must-have resource for seahorse enthusiasts - and its free for the download! I'm writing an article on raising seahorses in home aquariums and have been using this link extensively.

Jay Hemdal