Prop Tank???

If thats the case you can count me in. Just let me know how much... Also back to my question for the overflow... how are you going to drill the hole in the glass?

I would put my overflow in the rear corner for the sake of ease in plumbing it to my exisiting reef.

I have a Tunze Nanostream I would use for circulation... along with the return pump...

Are you doing this this weekend?
That sounds like a plan Ozzy. What I wanted to know was if you had the holesaw to drill the hole in the glass for the overflow.
You know where the bulkhead is to be mounted.
Also are you going to buy the glass before the weekend or wait until the weekend? I would also need to know how much the materials are going to cost so I just bring all the money upfront.

The other thing I wanted to ask was about the silicone we are going to use. Do you think the regular all glass silicone will work.
I know it has a max rating of 30gals. But seeing as how most of those tanks are over 12inches tall I guess ours won't be so bad. Seeing as our 30 gals. is shallow and more dispersed.

Next thing is I have never siliconed glass in my life LOL. So I don't for the life of me know the process of how to get good seems LOL. I kind of have an idea though. involves tape, silicone and gloves....
I'am getting it from dg by your house. Well the glue is messy. Its not to hard. Just make sure when you do it. That you don't leave any air pockets or you will have leaks. Every seam needs to be a clean stream of glue. I will pick one up a bit. If not, if someone has one i can use. That would be great! They do tend to be expensive. I know home depot sells them. I am researching the overflow atm. I will get all the info i need by then :-).
The overflow does not have to be glass I don't think. We could probably get away with using acrylic. I have the router and the bit to make the notches for the overflow teeth. Also what i think is most important in the overflow is really the size of the bulkhead drain hole. The overflow box area is also important but I would imagin hole size would be of more significance since a 1" bulkhead will flow ~600gph. I don't plan on running so much through the prop tank but i would put the 1" just for safety.

Also Davei Glass has weird hours on Saturdays did they give you price quote yet? I heard they were kinda expensive. I mean it doesn't really matter I was just wondering. I am also debating if i should just make it out of acrylic.... But then I don't want my seems to burst and leak like what happened to Andrea's tank.

I think glass would be best though since it will take heat better and I think it will seal better without leaks rather than acrylic...downside is just the weight.
Hey Ozzy also I think we are going to need the polish grinding on the edges for a smoother seal.

Was just reading up on the construction and found this.
Dg will have the pieces cut and ready :-).... Thats sounds like a good idea on the overflow. How much flow do you want to get? I was thinking about 35-40 turnover
Well you see I am going to have the tank plumbed to the reef.
So if I tap into the return pump I am not sure how much I am going to lose going into teh main display.

I mean i don't need that much turnover in teh tank I wouldn't think. It is really only to hold frags until they are sold or traded.
The nanostream will put out 660gph I think.
If I use an independent pump say a MAG5 with some head loss maybe I would end up with roughly 1000GPH which is about 33x turnover. I think this would be good enough.

I don't want to rush into this. The tank is not the problem for me LOL it is the space is limited and I don't want to have to chang my return again.
Well I have decided on the overflow. I would like to have a outside durso with an intake strainer. Let me know you think.
Now what temp color bulb should i go with? A 10k 14K 20K ? I would think it being a prop tank really on there for growth. A 10k bulb with actinic supplements?
yes its 3x3 if you buy the lumernarc so if you wanted max space for one refelctor that would be it. 10k would get you the growth that you want.
LouPhoenix Yup, I own about every movie that was put out :-) He is cool. Sorry about not responding to you earlier. I was to excited about the new project :-)
Hey Ozzy I am going to light mine with a phoenix 14K 250W DE in a reefoptix 3 pendant, on a BlueWave Ballast.

Since there is no actinic supp. I think this will give me the best coloring. Also I am not really looking for superb growth in this tank it is more of a holding vessel until I either seel the pieces or move the new pieces into the main tank.

Hope that helps....

Here it is. Light will be
1 175 watt 10k metal halide
2 24 watt t5 true actinic
This will be going into a fixture. :-) I am now waiting on the ballast.