Proper Flow to a Skimmer for a 240 gal?


New member
So I am setting up my 240 with a 50 gal sump. This will be a combined SPS and fish tank that I suspect will ramp up to a significant bio load. Previously I used an algae skimmer and this time I want to try a skimmer. Possibly a Vertex 280.

With the new propeller pumps I will be using these for all of the needed in tank flow. This means that the only requirement for flow to and from the sump is to support the skimmer.

Thus my question: How much flow do you think I need to the sump?

the flow should be enough to support the skimmer, adding too much flow through the sump adds noise and annoying bubbles in the display. Don't forget to subtract lost flow from the return pump due to height and elbows.