Proper way to cycle new tank


New member
Hi guys, im very new to reefing i live in Indonesia where corals are fairly easy to get, i just started cycling my tank, it has been a few days now, used purple up too, let me know what you guys think abt my build!

tank specs:

Dimensions: 1.2metres x 60cm x 60cm
Light: Matrixx Dimtec 6x36 (2blue 2 purple 2 whites)
skimmer: H&S 150 f2001
pump: fluval sp 4 and fluval sp 2
chiller : yes maintained at 24-26 celcius

So far i am cycling the tank for a few days now, added purple up and waiting for the coralline to grow. What do you guys think in terms of reef and fishes to get and the setup! all comments is gladly appreciated thanks!

1. is purple up a good way to promote coralline growth?
2. My tank seems to be high in phosphate, will this contradict coraline growth ?



Your tank is absolutely stunning! I am about a week into my cycle and your rock work is making me extremely jealous! Also, I noticed that you posted this back in June. I would love to see whg your tank looks like as of now!
If the phosphate are high it could be because of the rock. If the rock has not been cured sometime you can get high phosphates
Just give it time, I would skip dosing anything since there isnt much of anything to consume it. Once you have coral in there then you will need to dose to keep up your CA and ALK.

Purple up works in my opinion but plenty of people also think that its a waste of time too.
Tank update

Tank update

Hi guys so here is an update of my tank, after running gfo and a carbon reactor, things are turning out pretty well, phosphate at 0.03. BTW i have just added a maxima clam which is arnd 15 cm, i heard that these clams do consume alot of calc?

btw do follow my instagram account @chasingcorals for daily update

I've never seen a tank look so nice in such a short time. Out of curiosity, about how much did you spend on all those corals? The tank is absolutely stunning.

Also, What bulbs are you using?
Your tank looks amazing but you know that ;)

Where did you get your dry rock? Did you cure it at all? No Poshat issues?
Sure helps being in an area known for having amazing access to a plethora of beautiful corals..
Dumping a large chunk of money into it doesn't hurt either..
I simply toss in a small pinch of flake fish food daily until I see an ammonia spike (up to 4 weeks) and then five days after to be sure that the tank bacteria are consuming the ammonia...then I add invertebrates, feed them, to keep the tank bacteria happy, and fish after that.