Proposed Tank Build...will it work???

It is only 37.5 watts in the back area that includes the tunze and both maxi jets ....and even with the 2 koralias in the display it is a total of 44.5 watts for circulation purpose which can provide up to 1095 GPH in the tank (this is not including what will come from the fuge return just the hydor and 2 koralias) that to much ...will it cause heat issues????

I really wanted the water from the fuge area to return to the display area via gravity and not have to go through a PH as i have heard in many places that around 70 percent of pods die due to the blades and preasure of going through a powerhead for return.

My major circulation in the tank will be done with 2 korailias and supplemented by the hydor flo........................I thought of using a SCWD but could not figure a way to do it without excessive plumbing or returning water to the tank from the fuge through the powerheads....

Here is my proposed circulation


1) Water comes in first through the 3” Deep .25” wide intake grate on the Left side of the tank.
2) Water enters first chamber and is drawn down into a Tunze 9002 protein Skimmer.
3) Water then flows over the 15.25” baffle wall into the second chamber.
4) Second Chamber has Filter floss and Purgien (both approiximately 2” deep) which is being held in position by some modded Eggcrate
5) Clean water is then either drawn into a Maxi-Jet 1200 or a Maxi Jet 600.
6) The Maxi Jet 1200 Pumps Water through the Top ½” Bulkhead located on the Second Baffle wall and is then connected to the Bulkhead located 2/3rds of the way up the middle of the false wall which will be connected to a Hydor Flo providing random circulation to the display area.
7) The Maxi Jet 600 Pumps Water through the Bottom ½” Bulkhead located on the Second Baffle. Upon exiting the hole the wates forward momentum is stopped by the 5” 3rd Baffle wall thus preventing it from disturbing the Macro and Sand Bed in the fuge area.
8) The water fills the entire fuge area and then spills over the fuge box flowing out the 2” Deep .25” wide outtake slots back into the main tank.
9) The Major circulation in the display tank is created using koralia's on opposite sides of the tank (either nanos or 1’s)
10)……….and repeat.
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I figured using the Koralias for flow is good for a few main reasons

1) I don't mind/ and actually like the look of them in the tank (kinda weird eh)
2)They are easy to sub out or upgrade (nanos to 1's to 2's ) if I need more or less GPH
3) they provide a nice dispersed flow
4)they are cheap and have a good rating from many who use them.
5) the wattage use for the GPH gotten seems really impressive
Toilet, Keep in mind, that when you post on a board with 50,000 members, you're gonna get about 1/2 that in ideas that you "should" do. Not everybody can use the same tools and have a good outcome. So if you're comfortable with your design, then that may be the best thing to go for with you. And just keep us updated on what you learned. Untill there's water cascading through the back of the tank, no one knows quite how it will function for sure. So I'd say proceed with your plan and see what happens.

Good luck!
Thanks dogstar

I really do appreciate the help and different ideas I was not at all hoping to come across inany negative way...I was just informing peopel what my intent with this design was and why i like the SCWD but also think it is not appropriate for something i am looking for.

Also i really wanted to know id they thought that mmy Watts consumption was to much ....

Cheers to all
OK i was thinking that instead of putting in 2 bulkheads on the 2nd fuge wall i would simply cut the whole with a 1/2" diameter or very slightly larger and then have the Maxijets outlet simply connected to 1/2" Vinyl tubbing. then thread it through the holes going to attach to the bulkhead in the false wall powering the hydor flo.........and the other simply sitting on the bottom in front of the 3rd baffle wall......

I was thinking that this woudl be alot easier and I would not have to worry about the extra room the bulkheads would take up seeing as this is a nano and space is precious.

I know it would not be air/water tight (like the bulkhead setup would) but a little extra water trickleing into the fuge area from the second chamber would not be a problem.

what do you guys think???
Also I was thinking of changing the fuge pump to a MJ 400 instead of the 600

this would give me a turnover rate in the fuge of 16 x's instead of the 600's 24x turnover

Again what do you guys think?/

AND thanks yet again for all the info
