Protein skimmers, surface scum and light


New member
I've read about many people that employ a protein skimmer on a sump-less tank and report that they have crystal clear surface water without any kind of preskimmer box, etc.

On my 20g tank, I use a Remora, and I get a very satisfactory amount of skimmate and the cup needs to be emptied at least every other day. But even with this skimmate I still have a surface film, and I was told that the surface film "is what protein skimmers get rid of." Obviously, mine isn't, so is that a problem?

Also, do I worry about the amount of light that's being blocked out? How much of an effect does the surface film have on the light that gets through? I'm about to the point where I'll start putting corals in the tank, but I don't want to waste the money if the amount of light blocked by the surface film is too appreciable.
They make special intakes for skimmers to take their intake water from the surface. If the skimmer is drawing its water from below the surface it will not remove this surface scum. I am not sure what brands of skimmers have these surface skimmer available. Wish i could be more help.
you could move a powerhead closer to the surface, it wont eliminate the surface scum completely but will serve to break it up and mix the less dense "scum layer" and promote gas exchange, and promote a more natural ripple effect in the tank especially if you have MH lighting.

also its easy to do.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927949#post6927949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by polypdude
They make special intakes for skimmers to take their intake water from the surface. If the skimmer is drawing its water from below the surface it will not remove this surface scum. I am not sure what brands of skimmers have these surface skimmer available. Wish i could be more help.

There is a prefilter box for the Remora skimmer, but it has way too large of a profile to be inside a 20g.

I actually just moved my PHs closer to the surface to help with the problem, and it's definitely an improvement; however, there are still some areas where it collects. What I need to do is hurry about and get my DIY sump built so this is no longer an issue.