Protien Skimmer and External Pump Recomendation??


New member
I have a 150 mixed reef. It currently runs with a Little Giant 3MDX and a Seaclone protien skimmer. Both average equipment. I have detrius on my rocks and its effecting my phosphates.
Here are my ideas:
Replace Little Giant with a Sequence. Dart or Barracuda? Not Sure.
Replace Seaclone witha decent skimmer. Not sure.

What do you recomendproduct wise. Id would like to spend less than $500 for both if possible.
First off on the pump. I think the Dart is going to be more than plenty in this application. The Barracuda will definitely be overkill, and a lot more than you could eve move through your overflows. You might even find the Dart is a little more than what you'll want, but you'll be able to throttle it back with no problems at all.

For the skimmer, are you able to go in sump, or do you need to go external? Let me know on that and I'd be more than happy to make some recommendations.

My sump room is limited. The Seaclone barley fits. So, a similar size I assume. How about Tunze Doc. Cant they go directly in your tank?
The DOC skimmers are expensive, but really impressive for their compact size! I would do the 9010 in your setup.

You could also go with an AquaC EV180, which would be completey external to your sump. They can be a little finicky to get dialed in at first, but once there they perform really well.

Of course the EuroReef recirculating models are awesome, but the price tags are hefty! A good alternative in this situation since you want to stay under the $500 mark total is the Octopus Needle Wheel Recirc skimmers. Here is a link to the 150 which prices out right at $300...
