Pulsing Xenia help needed ASAP!

I got a few frags of Pulsing Xenia and I just dropped into my tank , let it sink to where it wanted and it attached itself right to my LR and it spreads like weeds, but looks great in my tank.
Xenia doesnt glue very well. You can put the frag in a clear plastic cup with some sand. Let it attach to the sand in about a week and then glue it to where ever you want. as for fragging softie is razor is better than a bone cutter. save the bone cutter for when you move on to fragging sps ;)
Ugh. My pump broke today. After only 2 month, metal in the impellor rusted and broke in two. My yellow coris came out today at around 8:30 AM. My mom was like, 'Wow, look who woke up early," because usually he is asleep under the sand till like, 10:30 AM (if only I could sleep till then too *sigh*) Anyways, a minute later, we looked in and he was on the ground, gasping for air. The pump wasnt working, and he was suffucating. Luckily I have 2 freshwater aquariums, and a few extra small freshie pumps and air stone w/ air pump. So we stuck in an air stone tube and hooked it up, and stuck a pump to the side, and withing 10 minutes there was oxygen in the tank again and all was well. I got a new pump this evening, and its working okay, the current is just a little weaker than my last. But my Xenia didnt fair to well, and 2 of the stalks are wilted, with the flower things blowing off easily (just like regular flowers) One tiny stalk remained okay, but I think it got loosed a bit. Anyways, Im hoping for the best. My poor xenia has had a rough start!

Anyways, all is well. My zoo's are fine, and I noticed a tiny baby next to my favorite single pollop :) My Lord Ant. is growing by the day, my snail, which was sick, is doing better, and the fish is fine (though he did hit the hay early tonight, and I bet he will sleep way in) The only thing that is worrying me is my mantis, who has failed to show up today. He usually will stick his head out and try and get me to feed him at least once, or you can here his construction under the rock. No such luck today. Im crossing my fingers for him and my Xenia!

(BTW, I think iv named my mantis after over a month of thinking. Ill go with my original, Ty. What do ya think? He immediatally went to work on his house (He has chipped through rock to make a new door) So I though of Ty Pennington of extreme home makeover. Haha!

Ill try and get pictures soon of my poor xenia!
Man Liz, you are having it rough arent you? What brand of pump did you buy? If the current is not as strong as you want, try a maxi-jet 600 or 900 or an iwaki 15 for your nano. The Maxi-600 will push about 160gph , the 900 around 240gph and sit internal. Ebay has them for around 10-15 bucks. I also found a couple of Iwaki 15's on ebay for about 15- 20. From what I gather, the iwaki's last for years (like 10-20) before they die and they are an external pump. Good luck!:cool:

BTW, I run 5 Maxi-jet 1200's (300 gph) on my 125 and they put out ALOT of flow. Great pumps.
Okay. Ty is fine, just p.o.ed. He came out today and DEMANDED food, and was flaring up in his aggressive stance at my mom all day. The xenia is definatly gone, it melted away. I am going to the Virgin Islands for a week this summer, but then I will hopefully have a job and I am going to buy more xenia and a kenya tree frag, yay! But for now, the xenia is no more :(