Pump Reccommendation


New member
Hey Guys I currantly moving my sump to the basement for many different reasons.
I am looking at about 14ft of traveling distance to my main tank.What pump would you reccommend I want one that will give me closest to 1000 gallons and lowest wattage usage.Any Suggestions would be appreciated my head is spinning looking at all the different pumps.I was currantly running a Mag 9.5 under my tank.I find two things I dont like about the Mag the wattage and the heat it gives off.Plus not to mention when I unplug it sometimes it does not come back on.
Unfortunately there are no pumps that can push 1000gph with 14ft of head and still be what I consider to be "low wattage".

Your best bet might be something like an iwaki 70 or pan world 200ps. Both good, reliable, pressure rated pumps. You can always go down a size to the iwaki 55 or pa world 150ps, these will put you below the 1000gph mark, maybe around 700gph or so, but they cost much less $$ to run.