Pump sizing

Mark Bianco

New member

I have a 210gl 72 x 24 x 31. Currently I have two 6105's on the back wall in the corners about 1/2 way down pointed a little past center in antisync for about 10 seconds each at 0 to 100. I also have a 6215 wavebox on the right side about 4" from the front glass pointed across the tank. Due to the way I have the tank aquascaped I have a slight issue with flow at the front of the tank in the lower third. I was thinking of adding a small pump in the lower right side of the tank underneath the wavebox. My questions are.

1. What size of pump would it take to reach across the front to the other side?
2. Being as it is the front I want to hide it, and although I looked on the website I can not find the dimensions of either the nano stream rock or the larger rock. Can you please let me know what the dimensions are?

Thanks in advance.

I think you would get a better flow pattern if you used the pumps in Interval 2, so one pump pulsed from 30-100 every few seconds and the other idled at 30% at at 6hr intervals they alternated. A different program may be all you need, possibly combined with some slight adjustment of the positioning.

The 6055 would be the largest pump that will work in the nano stream rock which is about 6 by 4 by 6.

The 6095 is the smallest that will fit in the full size stream rock which is about 7 by 5 by 7.
Thanks Roger Once again. Last question. When you say a few seconds few is a relative number few meaning like 5 or 20 where would you start?
Generally I would go with 3-4, the idea behind the pulsing is to collide a fast pulse with a slow one creating sort of a mushroom cloud of broader flow. Sorry for the late reply, RC, was down earlier today and I wasn't able to reply.
As usual outstanding service!

As usual outstanding service!

Thanks Roger. After changing to this the flow pattern the flow is much better throughout the tank.

To All, A lot of people in this industry would of just pushed me to purchase another pump. It just goes to show you that Roger is more concerned about customer satisfaction then profits. Maybe RC should have a Vendor of the year award. My vote would go to Roger.

Thanks, honestly though, if people are successful and it doesn't cost and arm and a leg, most people will stay with the hobby and upgrade, I may not make the sale today, but I will make it later when that time comes. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated, case in point, my old optometrist retired, the new guy running the office is young and aggressive and once he found out I had insurance, no test should go undone, so, now I need new glasses and won't be returning to them because I really didn't like being treated like a wallet. I just try to be fair.