Pump too strong Part 2


New member
I can't find my card reader, but I do have some previous setup diagrams and picture.

1st one





Anyone can tell me why all of those setups failed to eliminate microbubbles?

I will post pictures of current setup as soon as I find my card reader.

More of the 4th setup:


The current set up is almost the same as the 4th one. All I did was added the bubbles tower and took out the baffle on the left.
I think I can design a more effiecnt way for a sump for you. Give me the demensions of the tank you are using for the sump.

Let me do a quick draw up...
Oh, I need to have at least 10gal for backwash. So, the water will be half full at normal operation.

And also, I have 2 overflow box, one has 2 U tube and drain through 1.5" line into the sump.

The other has 1 U tube and drain through 1" line into the fuge, then 2x1" drain into the sump.

Version 1

As you can see, this sump is a 2 chamber system. The baffles are a set of three. Each one should be 1.5" and the middle baffle should be 1.5" as well from the buttom, 2" will be fine to... its up to you, just keep it the same inch throughout the baffles. Do not go from lets say 2" to 1.5" and then 2" again. This would free up and be less restrictive on the water entering the return pump chamber. The water coming from the overflows should be calm by the time it hits the set of baffles.

Microbubbles will almost be eliminated by the time it goes through the set of baffles. The problem with your 2 set of baffles is that after the bubbles go through the 1st baffle it goes down and so the bubbles follow through and the pump automatically takes it back up the return, thus the microbubbles problem.

Also, I put the refugium on the right side because all of your pictures the refugium is on the right hand side, but if you could either place it on the left side of put the return pump chamber on the left side it would look cleaner and be better.

Version 2

Version 2 is like version 1 with the exception that it not has a chamber for the water entering the refugium. The baffle distance would be closer to each other because its less flow going into each chamber.

*** Some important notes:
-Return chamber should be big or a decent size so that it will not run dry accidentally and burn out.
-Less baffles are better, so version one would be better in your case, return chamber and baffles wise.
-With version 1, it would provide more room inbetween the baffles... therefore have more time for the water to travel and be less turbulent once it going into the return chamber.
-I would really advise you to place either the return chamber on the left side or the refugium on the left side so that space will be utilized better. Less piping and so on will be used.
-Also try not to use sponges and so on, it can only cause problems later on.

I'm sure i have more input but I forgot.
I just noticed that you skimmer chamber is high, its due to the baffle that you used for the refugium. Its 2" low, plus the outlet for the skimmer chamber exits from the buttom, meaning it has no real control of how low it can really go. Its hard to explain. lol

Go with version 1 that I drew up for you. Use the 3 baffles system.

Do me a favor and look into your sump, where exactly are the microbubbles coming from?... which chamber is it coming from. I am thinking most likely from the refugium feed chamber into the sump.

New diagram coming up. It will help explain why ur sump as microbubbles.

As you can see it is pretty much self explaintory. You can see where the problem areas are. From the refugium overflow chamber the microbubbles can go right into the 2nd set of baffles instead of going back up to the top to burst and the water without the microbubbles go through the baffles.

On the skimmer chamber due to the last baffle sitting low, it will be leveled with the last baffle from the refugium feed chamber. That is why that chamber the water level is so high. Because of this, microbubbles will rise up and be able to go into the baffles.

I hope you comprehended something from what I just said. lol... best of luck
Thanks for your help, ek9vboi! But I had tried your design before in my 2nd attemp w/ no luck. Most microbubbles are coming from the tank drain, not from fuge.

Having look at my overflow, I think I might found the problem. I am using a 1.5" line for the drain and I can see a waterfall-like movement in the tube. That might be the real source of microbubbles...it create even more when it hit the sump.

I might get a new overflow and see if the problem still proceeds.

I think its normal for bubbles to come out of the overflow drain. Mine does the same.

Maybe your baffles are too low.
Yeah, but I think the water is hitting the water w/ air...I don't know, you have to see it in person to know what I mean.

I wonder if those wet/dry sump w/ bioballs will eliminate them. I will just replace the bioballs w/ small LR.

I doubt it will help, might be because you have too much flow going through your sump. There is not enough time for the mircobubbles to pop.